Research into Gambling Machine use in Betting Offices published by the Responsible Gambling Trust

01 Dec

The Responsible Gambling Trust (RGT) has today published research into gaming machines in Betting Offices which it indicates “shows that it is possible to distinguish between problem and non-problem gambling behaviour”. The programme of research was commissioned by the RGT ‘to build the knowledge base available to identify harmful machine play and to understand what measures might limit harmful play without impacting on those who do not exhibit harmful behaviours’.

The Press Release issued by RGT in relation to the research states as follows;

“The Programme of Research was commissioned by the RGT to build the knowledge base available to identify harmful machine play without impacting on those who do not exhibit harmful behaviour”

Neil Goulden Chairman of RGT said as follows;

“The researchers have shown that it is possible to distinguish between problem and non-problem gaming machine play, and they have provided many important insights about player behaviour. This research has huge potential to inform the industry’s approach to minimising gambling related harm and we strongly urge the industry to make every effort to improve how problem behaviour is more effectively monitored and managed in the future”

A copy of the full report can be found here:

However more user friendly single page summaries of the research reports can be found here -


It will be interesting to see what responses this document provokes.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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